
Kodak Portra sim

I often travel for work. There have been months that I spent more time in hotel rooms than in my own and it is something that weighs on you. I find opportunity in these trips, but I also find a growing fondness for home. These photographs are all unedited jpgs taken on my Fuji X-T30 utilizing film sims. I mostly shot with sims inspired by Kodak Portra and Kodak Vision3 motion picture films.

Kodak Vision3 5219 sim

Each room has a thousand stories to tell, but the walls stay silent. Time spent in hotel rooms tends to be lived differently than in the confines of one’s own home. By yourself, the isolation can overtake you; and for better or worse, hotel bars are increasingly scarce.

Kodak Porta sim

Unfamiliar ceilings - do you sleep better or worse than in your own bed? I find some nights to be restless while others I slumber in one take. It is easy enough to pass the day with work, but the night creeps in and reminds you how alone you are. There is little in some towns to distract such thoughts and they take hold like the boogeyman that chased you as a kid.

Latches and deadbolts…always securing the door in case of an intrusion - accidental or otherwise. Simultaneously desiring company and no visitors. Food delivery is the only thing that should ever be at the door when I travel.

All that said, the morning light is a welcome intrusion, in moderation. the beams of golden light just hit different in hotel rooms.


Photo Walk
